Past: Bereaved Parent Support Group

St. Paul Lutheran Church

*Note change in meeting date from 4th Monday to the Third, May 21—to avoid Memorial Day*

Support and encouragement during the grieving process is very important.

Often, the community of others who share a similar loss is of great benefit.

St. Paul Lutheran Church, 223 W. Adams St., Jackson offers a Bereaved Parents Group for this very purpose.

It meets monthly at 6:00 p.m.

The understanding, similarities, and being able to share “your” story of loss are beneficial. This group is open to the community regardless of when a child died or how old they were at death.

Use back fenced-in parking lot. Enter double glass doors and take elevator or stairway to lower lever.

For more information, call Molly 275-3744.


Past Dates & Times

Monday, May 21, 2018, 6:00 pm


St. Paul Lutheran Church
223 W. Adams St., Jackson, MO