
Past: The Human Circuit

Underberg House Concerts

The Human Circuit, a 6 piece band from Austin, TX, will play a house concert on Thursday, 7 p.m., September 20.

We will be their last stop on their national tour that has spanned 14 states.

Their music gets plenty of air time on college radio and we have some pretty reliable information about their vibe:

According to KUTX, they are “delightfully bizarre, intensely passionate . . . both wild and precise; playful and serious.” Raw Romp offers a slightly dissenting opinion, calling the band “an off center wonder. With shiny horns, ambivalent rhythms and plum keys. Sensational grooviness and gratifyingly crazy without being bizarre.”

We were intrigued with the music – a sound that features synthesizer, keyboards, bass, trumpet, drums, and percussion.

Past Dates & Times

Thursday, September 20, 2018, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Underberg House Concerts
1122 Patricia St, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701