
Past: Making Amazing Faces

Rosemary Berkel and Harry L. Crisp II Museum

"Making Amazing Faces" Presentation by Ellen Flentge

July 10

9 a.m. or 1 p.m.

Limited Seating and Preregistration is Required / $5 Fee

Preregister online at semo.edu/museum by selecting "Enroll in Class" and choosing a start time or drop in the museum to pay with cash or check.

"Faces have many observable details. Once you are shown the differences occurring in eyes, noses, mouths, and heads, you'll be much more aware of these nuances, and you can improve your ability to capture a person's likeness," Flentge says. "Anyone wishing to become more proficient in making faces, no matter what artistic media they are using, could gain a lot of insight from this presentation."

Creating the likeness of a person can start with a simple fifteen-minute line and shape drawing, and then, become a more complex work depicting concave and convex surfaces made of light and shadow. Showing skin folds, lines, and texture with shading adds character to your subject.

"Making Amazing Faces" will be a 90-minute presentation by Ellen Flentge. Attendees will be looking in a mirror and or observing others as she covers size, shape, angle, and comparison of placement between features. A book on face details for each attendee will be available for use during her presentation.

Crisp Museum is located inside the Cultural Arts Center of Southeast Missouri State University's River Campus at 518 S. Fountain St., Cape Girardeau, MO.

Questions: Email museum@semo.edu or call (573) 651-2260.

Past Dates & Times

Wednesday, July 10, 2024, 9:00 am - 10:30 pm


Rosemary Berkel and Harry L. Crisp II Museum
518 S. Fountain St., Cape Girardeau, MO