Past: Third Tuesday Tea Time

Cape Girardeau Public Library

The Cape County Tea Party will hold its open monthly meeting. The guest this month is Usama Dakdok. The topic will be "Is Sharia "Islamic Law" compatible with the U.S. Constitution?" Are judges already making decisions basked upon these laws, or is it a non-issue? If so, why have nine states already enacted law to prevent the use of "foreign law" in American courts, with 13 more introduced in 2017? Dakdok was born and raised in Egypt in a Christian home. He learned about Islam in school, a mandatory subject. To further his knowledge, he studied Islamic law in college. The public is welcome.

Past Dates & Times

Tuesday, May 16, 2017, 6:30 pm


Cape Girardeau Public Library
711 N. Clark St., Cape Girardeau, MO