
Past: Feminist Thought vs. Radical Intolerance

Cape Girardeau Public Library

Like all social movements, feminist movements are constantly evolving, ebbing, and shifting. The micro-political messages associated with the term “feminist” seem endless as they change from decade to decade (or by what’s trending on Twitter). While many people choose to call themselves a “feminist,” do they have an understanding of what the term means? Or have some appropriated the word and its power, making it the label du jour? Has it become just another label used to keep the “others” out? Has the former equality-seeking feminist become a weak symbol, replaced by a modern day radical feminist who is intolerant and alienating? Join members of the Southeast Missouri State University and Cape Girardeau communities for this discussion.


Phone: (573) 334-5279 ext. 113

Past Dates & Times

Wednesday, March 29, 2017, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm


Cape Girardeau Public Library
711 N. Clark St., Cape Girardeau, MO