National Dandelion Day Story TimeApr. 5, 2024, 10:30 am-11:30 amRiverside Regional Library, PerryvilleWe’re getting into spring with a dandelion themed story time for ages 0-6 (and their caregivers) at the Perryville Branch.
Story TimeApr. 5, 2024, 10:30 am-11:30 amRiverside Regional LibraryJoin Ms. Robbie for a great story time. Take time to play and do crafts perfect for toddlers (ages 0-6) and their caregivers at the Main Branch, Jackson.
Spring Fairy Garden Engineer CampApr. 5, 2024, 10 am-3 pmArtistically Ever AfterSpring break Fairy Garden Camp @ Artistically Ever After! Are you ready to learn more about being an engineer and create your very own unique fairy garden or gnome home? In this camp kids will get to design a fairy house, build prototypes, make...
How to Prepare for a Flower ShowApr. 5, 2024, 5:30 pmUniversity of Missouri Extension CenterPlease join us as we discuss how to select, prepare, and stage flowers for a flower show. Learn techniques that are sure to result in blue ribbon wins! Horticulture entries as well as arrangement entries will be included. The program presenter is...
Froggy FridayApr. 5, 2024, 5 pm-7:30 pmCape Girardeau Conservation Nature CenterPeeeeep, peep, peep, peep. Is it a bird? No! It’s a spring peeper! Come learn about the frogs of Missouri during our big frog event. Join us on our froggy hikes as we visit the ponds on the property to look and listen for live frogs in action. Learn...
Zac James on pianoApr. 5, 2024, 5 pm-8 pmApple Creek Vineyard & WineryZac James will play the piano for your listening enjoyment.
Country Artist Jake Gill at the Cape Girardeau EaglesApr. 5, 2024, 7 pm-11 pmCape Eagles Event CenterNashville Recording artist Jake Gill will be preforming at the Cape Girardeau Eagles Aerie #3775 in the Event Center Friday April 5th. Doors open at 7pm $8.00 to attend, show starts at 8pm. A portion of the door will be donated to an area...
Girls Survival Skills RetreatApr. 5, 2024, 4:30 pm-midnightPeaceful Valley CampGIRLS SURVIVAL SKILLS RETREAT The Cape Girardeau Baptist Association will be hosting a 24HR retreat at Peaceful Valley Camp April 5th-6th from 4:30pm - 4:30pm. For ages 3rd grade - 12th grade Cost is $40 per Camper and $20 for Adults staying...
Galaxy of Horrors ExhibitApr. 5, 2024Poplar Bluff Library - Main & Ridgel BranchesTake a tour of some of the most terrifying and mind-blowing destinations in our galaxy ... and beyond. After a visit to these nightmare worlds – based on real NASA science – you may never want to leave Earth again! Age Group: 12+
Annual Student Juried Exhibition at Crisp MuseumApr. 5, 2024, 9 am-5 pmRosemary Berkel and Harry L. Crisp II MuseumAnnual Juried Student Exhibition at Crisp Museum The Annual Juried Student Exhibition for Southeast Missouri State University is on display at Rosemary Berkel and Harry L. Crisp II Museum from March 26 to April 21, 2024. The public is invited...
Stitch at CrispApr. 5, 2024, 9 am-3 pmRosemary Berkel and Harry L. Crisp II MuseumFridays - Stitch at Crisp 9 a.m.-3 p.m. / free, drop-in / bring your own supplies Bring your own fabric and supplies to socialize with others as you make progress on your piece. For any fiber workers, spinning, felting, embroidery, or...
April 2024 Visual Arts Cooperative Window Exhibitors: Scott and Loria ChaddonApr. 5, 2024, 5 pm-8 pmArts Council of Southeast MissouriThe Visual Arts Cooperative Window Exhibitors for the month of April are Loria and Scott Chaddon.
Gentle YogaApr. 5, 2024, 10 am-11 amOsage CentreGentle Yoga takes the approach of yoga based classes with a gentle twist. It is perfect to build up your strength without the strenuous demands of strength training and flexibility. Class is held 10 to 10:45 a.m.
Country FuzionApr. 5, 2024, 10 am-11 amOsage CentreCountry fuzion exercise class will be taught by Robyn 9 to 9:45 a.m. Tuesday and 10 to 10:45 a.m. Friday.
Al-Anon Meetings: help and hope for families and friends of alcoholicsApr. 5, 2024, 7 pm-8 pmAwnings Building, 819 North Kingshighway, Lower LevelWhen you don't know where to turn ... because someone you care for drinks too much, Al-Anon groups can help. Learn more by attending a confidential and anonymous meeting at River City Freedom Al-Anon Family Group. We Welcome You!