Qigong & Tai ChiApr. 24, 2024, 9 am-10:30 amRiverside Regional LibraryQigong & Tai chi for adults (ages 18+) at the Main Branch, Jackson is a gentle exercise that works the whole body and is appropriate for most fitness levels. If you have questions, contact Frankie at 573-843-8141 or flhannan@rrlmo.org.
"Get on the Bus" with United Way!Apr. 24, 2024, 11 am-1 pmTBAApril is Volunteer Month and, once again, United Way of Southeast Missouri invites you to Get on the Bus! Join us April 23 from 3-5 PM and April 24 from 11 AM to 1 PM for a fun-filled tour of United Way’s partner network. Riders on these free,...
The Art of CollageApr. 24, 2024, 1 pm-3 pmRiverside Regional Library, Scott CityGet the creative juices going by working with various materials to create a collage at the Scott City Branch. For ages 7+.
Adult Game DayApr. 24, 2024, 1 pm-3 pmRiverside Regional Library, Scott CityGames help to keep our minds alert and active. Join adults (age 18+) at the Scott City Branch for gaming fun and a little friendly competition.
Homeschool: Toad Gardens (2 options)Apr. 24, 2024, 10 am-3:30 pmCape Girardeau Conservation Nature CenterRegistration period: January 19 - April 24 Please see website for complete details. Recruit some help this gardening season by building a toad garden! We will learn all about toads and why these bumpy amphibians are so nice to have in our...
ChessApr. 24, 2024, 3 pm-4 pmRiverside Regional Library, Scott CityChess improves memory, creativity and planning skills. Come into the Scott City Branch for a game or two. Don't know how to play? Come learn!!! For ages 7+.
Spring Wildflower Walk - Trail of Tears SPApr. 24, 2024, 1 pm-4:30 pmCape Girardeau Conservation Nature CenterRegistration period: January 23 - April 24 Spring is in the air! Birds are calling, wildlife is emerging from cold weather dens, and the beauty of Missouri’s spring wildflowers is on full display. Join us for a introductory look at spring...
Parent/Child Book ClubApr. 24, 2024, 6 pm-7 pmRiverside Regional LibraryJoin this book club for children ages 8-12 and their parents who will read the same book and the get together and discuss it at the Main Branch, Jackson. This month we’ll be discussing “Frindle” by Andrew Clements.
April 2024 Visual Arts Cooperative Window Exhibitors: Scott and Loria ChaddonApr. 24, 2024, 10 am-5 pmArts Council of Southeast MissouriThe Visual Arts Cooperative Window Exhibitors for the month of April are Loria and Scott Chaddon.
First Baptist Church of Jackson is celebrating its 200th Anniversary the week of April 21 - 28, 2024.Apr. 24, 2024, 5 pmFirst Baptist Church of JacksonThe First Baptist Church of Jackson is celebrating its 200th Anniversary having been organized April 30, 1824. Jackson Baptist Church was organized by members of Old Bethel Baptist Church, the first non-Catholic church west of the Mississippi...
Prom DressApr. 24, 2024, TBACape PresbyterianFinal appointment days to receive a prom dress from Semo Prom Mothers are April 18, April 21, 24, 28. High school teens go to Semo Prom Mothers of Cape Presbyterian churches on Facebook and sign up now for your appointment . Dresses are free for any...
ALPHA at St. Vincent de Paul Church in Cape GirardeauApr. 24, 2024, 6 pm-8:30 pmSt. Vincent de Paul CenterDo you have questions about faith? Life? Jesus? ALPHA is weekly series that gives an open and safe place to learn and discuss many questions about faith, life, and Jesus. It is designed for people who have some faith background or perhaps no faith...
"Foundations, part 2 " A small group Bible study of Chapters 5-11 of the Book of GenesisApr. 24, 2024, 6:30 pm-8 pmCape Community ChurchSmall Group Bible Study: "Foundations, part 2." An 8-week Bible Study of chapters 5-11 in the Book of Genesis. Wednesday Evenings, 6:30-8:00 pm beginning April 3rd - May 22nd, 2024, at Cape Community Church. Everyone is welcome.
Pump LiteApr. 24, 2024, 9 am-10 amOsage CentreTera teaches Pump Lite 9 to 9:45 a.m.
Butts & GutsApr. 24, 2024, Noon-1 pmOsage CentreChristine teaches butts & guts 12:15 to 12:45 p.m.
Pump40Apr. 24, 2024, 5:30 pm-6:30 pmOsage CentreTera teaches Pump40 5:30 to 6:10 p.m.
Al-Anon Meetings: help and hope for families and friends of alcoholicsApr. 24, 2024, 5:30 pm-6:30 pmAwnings Building, 819 North Kingshighway, Lower LevelWhen you don't know where to turn ... because someone you care for drinks too much, Al-Anon groups can help. Learn more by attending a confidential and anonymous meeting at River City Freedom Al-Anon Family Group. We Welcome You!
ZumbaApr. 24, 2024, 6 pm-7:30 pmOsage CentreJaimie teaches Zumba 6:15 to 7 p.m.